Dear Beloveds,
I am excited to experience The Episcopal Diocese of Utah showing up in love and support at this year’s PRIDE events. Salt Lake City’s events are scheduled for the first weekend of June, but activities will continue throughout the month around the state. I encourage you to find the events closest to you, especially ecumenical worship services!
As Episcopalians, we believe in a loving God who sent his Son so that all might be brought into the fold of God.
To do this, we need to show up.
And once there, we need to get to know people, ask about their experiences and concerns.
Generally said, we need to get to know our neighbors.
There is a lot to experience at PRIDE, but one of the most interesting observations is to see how people express their joy when they feel free and safe to be seen.
As always, whenever we step out to the margins to encounter those different from ourselves,
we are blessed with the opportunity to encounter ourselves, parts known and unknown to us.
May PRIDE month be an opportunity to share the love of Jesus – with your neighbor and with yourself.
Blessings to all,
+Bp. Phyllis Spiegel
Read the full statement here.