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The Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Rooted in Jesus
Joyous in Discipleship
Abundant in Spirit

The Diocesan office will be closed at noon on Fridays in July and August.

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Utah Epodcopalians Podcast: Ute Elder Forrest Cuch Discusses Healing Behind “Tuniyay” Documentary in the Trauma of Indigenous People

Ute Elder Forrest Cuch tells podcast host Craig Wirth how days of filming for the “Tuniyay” documentary was cathartic in telling the story of people who knew and only knew from his heritage who suffered at the Uintah Indian School. The diocesan-produced documentary will premiere at a free showing (no tickets or registration required) Tuesday, July 16th at 6:30 at the Salt Lake City Library. Cuch offers a powerful hope for reconciliation that follows over a century of cultural genocide at the hands of the government and religious run Indian Schools in this podcast that explores the findings of the documentary “Tuniyay”—”to tell the story.”

Fundraising Fundamentals Zoom Workshops Set for July

We are excited to invite you to the upcoming “Fundraising Fundamentals” Zoom workshops, sponsored by the Diocesan Council. This virtual event is an excellent opportunity for anyone involved in church finance to learn creative ways to generate income.

Designed for Stewardship Teams, Treasurers, Bishop’s Committees, Vestries, and Clerics, this workshop will provide a platform to share ideas, learn the do’s and don’ts of fundraising, and discover innovative income-generating options. Join us to equip your local church finances with strategies that foster growth and sustainability within our Diocese.

Click the image above to read more and get the meeting links when they’re available.

Click the preview above to watch the trailer for “Tuniyay.”

Tuniyay “Indian Schools” Documentary Premiere Set for July 16th at Salt Lake Public Library

In the late 19th and early 20th century, after nearly hundreds of years of genocide and colonial oppression, dwindling Indigenous populations of the American Southwest faced further cultural erasure through efforts of “assimilation.” Governmental and religious organizations—typically of white, Anglo-Saxon backgrounds—were tasked to create mandatory schooling programs to prevent the youth’s ability to carry their culture to the next generation.

Tuniyay is a documentary produced by the Diocese of Utah under the guidance of Bishop Phyllis A. Spiegel and directed by our Craig Wirth. This film that explores the atrocities committed by these schools, our Episcopal Diocese’s role in helping run these institutions, and the mission of reconciliation we are now tasked with to identify, respect, and empower these cultures and communities to pass on their traditions.

The film will premiere 6:30pm, July 16th, 2024 at the Salt Lake Public Library. 


The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of the Episcopal Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. Elected as the 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church on June 26, 2024. He will be the youngest Presiding Bishop in Episcopal Church history when he assumes his role this November.

Reflections from The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel:

What a moment it was, when the election for our new Presiding Bishop occurred on the first ballot with clear and overwhelming affirmation for ++Presiding Bishop-elect Rowe’s leadership. There was a moment immediately following the election when a shiver of divine electricity ran through the Bishops gathered in the Cathedral. In that moment, the vote was truly affirmed.

That affirmation was brought into being through the first words offered in the PB-elect’s first address to the General Convention. He spoke of joining together to do the dishes, the washing up the church requires. We each have our place in the work of The Episcopal Church. As we listened, the bishops, seated in the visitor’s gallery in the back of the House of Deputies to hear the address, gave three standing ovations not shared by the House of Deputies. The bishops stood understanding the clear, strong, and brave leadership being revealed in that momentous address by our newly elected leader and primate of The Episcopal Church. A moment when each House knew its relationship to the Presiding Bishop to be different but vital in those differences.

The Presiding Bishop-elect, in his sermon for the closing Eucharist of the 81st General Convention, assured the church and the world, with a voice much like that of the Apostle Paul, that the Episcopal Church is not fading away; Episcopalians stand firm and strong in our Gospel witness to the LGBTQ children of God, to those being harmed by racism. We will not back down, ++Rowe said, because others read the Gospel differently. We must be stronger and more unified in who we are as The Episcopal Church

This is all very good news for the Diocese of Utah; we are doing this work, and come November, we will have a Presiding Bishop who will use a strong voice of proclamation combined with structural vision to further our current beloved Presiding Bishop’s call to The Way of Love. We will, as we said many times at this 81st General Convention, move into a strong new era in The Episcopal Church, “Together in Love.”

— The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel
The Episcopal Diocese of Utah

Past Events


Retirement Celebration of Canon Chancellor Steve Hutchinson, Esq.
June 15, 2024

On June 15th, over 120 people gathered at the Episcopal Retreat & Conference Center in Salt Lake City to honor the career of Canon Chancellor Steve Hutchinson. Many shared heartfelt stories of Hutchinson’s impactful contributions and unwavering commitment to the community. He embarks on his well-deserved retirement, filled with travel and family time. Read more about his legacy and the future of his role, which will be assumed by Branden Burningham, Esq.

The Philadelphia Eleven
May 14th, 2024
The Philadelphia Eleven 
is feature-length documentary that 
explores the significance of the first women’s ordinations as priests in the Episcopal Church in 1974. It  premiered at the Broadway Theater in Salt Lake City on May 14th, followed by a guest panel. 

Mt. Olivet 150th Anniversary
May 11th, 2024
Mt. Olivet Cemetery is the only public cemetery in the USA designated by an Official Act of Congress; the Diocese of Utah has always been one of its sole trustees. The 150th Anniversary featured several presentations, including by historiographer Kurt Cook on the land’s history, and The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel, who led prayer to commemorate the 36,000 buried there.

Intergenerational Tea
May 11th, 2024
This event bridged generations with memorable moments: Intergenerational Tea gave an opportunity for generations to get-to-know one other by collectively making cards over tea, snacks. The event was put on by our Multigenerational Ministry team, whose goal is to engage those of all ages in our Rooted in Jesus mission.

Communications Department

The Rt. Rev Phyllis Spiegel

12th Bishop of Utah

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The Episcopal Church in Utah

Bishop Daniel S. Tuttle formally started the Episcopal Church in Utah with his arrival in Salt Lake City on July 2, 1867. The Church became known for its social justice ministry with the creation of Utah’s first school system for children of all religions. Bishop Tuttle also started St. Mark’s Hospital to serve the thousands of miners who had no other health care options. He tirelessly traveled by stage and horseback to establish churches from Montana to Arizona.