As a recognition of becoming beloved community, The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel has created two awards to be presented at our annual convention. One honors a woman who selflessly served as a Deaconess in our diocese during the time of Bishop Daniel Tuttle. Emily Pearsall offered remarkable outreach ministry starting in 1870. The first Emily Pearsall Award was presented to The Rev. David Sakrison, the vicar of St. Francis, Moab. Fr. Sakrison has spent twenty-years conducting prison ministry, established food distribution programs, and served those living in the margins especially as impoverished. A surprised Dave Sakrison accepted the award at the convention in Price.
Additionally, Bishop Spiegel has started the Sara Napper award which goes to those who have served the diocesan ministries to an inspiring degree. Sara Napper was an early missionary who faithfully worked for the Bishop as well as served a lay administrator of a chapel, a number of ministries, and taught at our schools. The first Sara Napper Award went to long time diocesan volunteers Nancy Tanner and Russ Pack who co-chaired the Transition Committee. Nancy Tanner accepted the award for both of the recipients.