Bishop Phyllis A. Spiegel is asking for your prayers and support for the Diocese of Hawai’i as our friends and family in Christ suffer the effects of wildfires. We know many have died, thousands are now without homes, and so far we have lost a church and a school in the horrific fires.
From The Rt. Rev. Phyllis A. Spiegel, 12th Bishop of Utah
As we all take in the unimaginable devastation and loss of life caused by fire on Maui and particularly to Lahaina, our hearts and the fullness of our compassion go out to those who are suffering.
We join with all throughout the Episcopal Church to give our prayers and offerings for the people of Maui and the Diocese of Hawai’i. Please give generously to the offerings each church will be gathering.
In a message to the bishops of Province VIII, Bishop Robert (Bob) Fitzpatrick offered the following history which gives context to one small measure of the enormous loss:
“The fire swept into old Lahaina town. Old buildings made out of wood went up fast. Some of the buildings from the days of whaling and when the town was the seat of the monarchy (early 1800’s) were quickly destroyed. It included our church, Holy Innocents, with roots back to a land grant from King Kamehameha V (and responsibility for the “foreigner’s cemetery”). The Sanctuary, vicarage, preschool and office are gone as is the public elementary school next door.”
He concluded his message with this stunning visual.
“This was the Madonna above the altar of Holy Innocents:”

The following is offered for your prayers in the days and months ahead.
We pray together for the people of Maui during this time of devastation, loss, and fear.
Loving God, our strength in times of despair, be with all those who have lost their homes to wildfire, comfort them in their distress, strengthen them for the journey ahead, and sustain them with your loving embrace, that they may find a sense of home once again. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, who heals the sick and restores the lost. Amen.
Creator God, who guides our purpose in life, give strength to those whose work it is to respond to this crisis; guide their rescue and recovery efforts so that all in need of help may be found and brought to safety. Preserve the relief and rescue workers that their physical health may be sustained, and protect their mental health in the face of all that they are witnessing. Give wisdom and sound council to community and civic leaders so that immediate needs can be met and the communities strengthened for the work ahead. We call upon you, O God our protector and redeemer. Amen.
Remembering we are one through our One God,
+Bp. Phyllis Spiegel
Ways to support the Diocese of Hawai’i relief effort:
1. Lāhaina Fire disaster aid through the Diocese of Hawai’is A CUP OF COLD WATER (ACCW)
2. BISHOP’S PASTORAL FUND on the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi (the funds will be gathered and sent to ACCW).