“The Philadelphia Eleven” Documentary Premieres to Packed Utah Audience

The Philadelphia Eleven documentary showing in Salt Lake City marked the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women as priests in the Episcopal Church. A packed Broadway Cinema theater watched the historic account of the ordinations in 1974. The governing body of the church (General Convention) had not yet approved the ordination of women at the time. The bold and brave ordinations created a debate that brought out emotions of confusion, hate, and joy all at the same time throughout the church. Unlike many other dioceses, Utah led by then bishop, The Rt. Rev. Otis Charles, was a pioneer in early ordinations of women as priests as soon as the General Convention officially approved ordinations in 1976. Utah also was one of the first dioceses to elect a woman priest as Bishop in 1996.

A panel discussion followed the film’s Salt Lake City showing and offered today’s perspective on the movie and ordination. The panel discussion was moderated by retired priest The Rev. Mary Janda. Panelists were Bishop Phyllis Spiegel, Ms. Kristin Madden (life-long lay member of the church,) The Rev. Cn. Terri Heyduk (longtime priest now retired,) and the Rev. Asley Gurling (a new priest who grew up in another faith tradition).

The diocese will endeavor getting an on-line screening for those who couldn’t make it to the May 14th Salt Lake screening.

The Philadelphia Eleven | Salt Lake City, Utah Panelist Discussion

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