Author: Craig Wirth

Camp Tuttle Winter Retreat

Camp Tuttle and Youth Ministry staff were joined in the mountains by 25 youth from across the state, including friends from Cedar City! Participants meditated on Wonder, and had the once in a lifetime chance to experience the awe of the large…

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Bishop’s Visit to El Buen Pastor

One hundred people, who attended the Bishop’s visitation to Ogden’s El Buen Pastor service, joined The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel for lunch February 26th.  The Bishop then signed certificates of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion.…

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Visita de la Obispa a El Buen Pastor

Cien personas, que asistieron a la visita del Obispo al servicio El Buen Pastor de Ogden, se unieron a la Rvda. Phyllis Spiegel para almorzar el 26 de febrero. La Obispa firmo certificados de Bautismo, Confirmacion y Primera Comunion. La…

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