The Ordination & Consecration of the 12th Bishop of Utah
The Examination of The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel
Prelude from the South Sudanese Choir
Honor Song & Ute Blessing from Red Spirit
Holy Eucharist
The Consecration of Bishop Spiegel
Laying on of the hands
The transition of diocesan leadership is symbolized as The Rt. Rev. Scott B. Hayashi, 11th Bishop of Utah, hands Bishop Spiegel the diocesan crosier.
The crosier is a symbol that the Bishop is the chief shepherd of the diocese.
Bishop Spiegel and Clergy
Awaiting her seating and investiture at the Cathedral
Knocking on the Cathedral doors
Episcopal Retreat & Conference Center
75 South 200 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Telephone: 801-322-4131 | Fax: 801-322-5096
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