News & Events

Diocesan Staff Hosts Coffee Hour

This past Sunday, the Diocesan Staff hosted Coffee Hour over at St. Mark’s Cathedral Church. A few of the staff also offered tours of the ECCU during this time. It was a wonderful chance for the parish to get to know the staff better. What a blessed…

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St. James Car Show

2023 St. James Car Show

On Saturday, September 23rd, St. James is hosting its Fifth Annual Car Show fundraiser from 10:00-3:00.  There will be food trucks, music, awards, and auction items.  The show is open to all vehicle…

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Honoring Paul Jones

The Fourth Bishop of Utah, the Rt. Rev. Paul Jones is the only Utahn to have an Episcopal Church Feast Day (Sept. 4th) He was born on January 28, 1880, and died September 4, 1941, Bishop Jones was once forced to resign as the Bishop of Utah because…

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Rooted in Jesus 2023

Mark your calendars for the evening of September 8th and the day of the 9th, you will NOT want to miss this event! With special guest musicians, inspirational sermons from our Bishop, and many more surprises! We’re asking you to help spread the…

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